Reason enough to perform great feats
As the plant in Herne was acquired in 1972, the company management already planned a long way ahead. The land provided suf cient space to expand and thereby accommodate the twelve production buildings erected so far as well as the administration building. Today, around 200 employees work in the main administration building and at the plant.
Our plant in Herne / Germany covers 70,000 square metres and currently performs practically all production steps required for the manufacture of valves, including welding, mechanical processing, assembling and approval. Only the making of cast parts is outsourced to certi ed foundries. We also operate a specially designed large-parts production area for manufacturing oversized valves. The broad scope of production that can be provided by the main plant in Herne is in keeping with the high degree of exibility and quality that we offer our customers.
Apart from administration and production, the Herne site also accommodates the raw materials warehouse as well as nished products. The customers bene t from the fact that a great many standard valves are either on stock or can be promptly delivered.
We are one of big Agent of Leslie Control Valves and in China, we provide high quality brand equipment , such as transmitter, DCS system device, remote monitoring, integrated automation system and compress, pump and valve of the combined cycle and etc.,welcome to inquiry it, please contact us by e-mail or for quotation requests and any other specific requirements. Control Valves For Petrochemical Engineering Industry